École Argyle Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Other Ways to Receive Credit


Courses taken outside of B.C. may be eligible for equivalency credit of they closely match the content of some grade 10, 11, 12 courses. For example, a student who completes a course in Alberta may receive credit for a comparable course in B.C. through equivalency. See your counsellor for more information or learn more here​.


The Ministry of Education gives credit for a variety of External Courses.  External courses are courses offered outside the British Columbia school system.  Students may receive Graduation Credit for successfully completing an External Course in the areas of Music, Dance, Language, Sport, and Youth Development.  External credits are available at the Grade 11 and 12 Level and the more common courses are listed below. Please see your counsellor if you have credentials in one of these areas.  For more information, see this link or your counsellor.


Common External Credits: 

  • Royal Conservatory                    
  • Victoria Conservatory                                                            
  • London College of Music
  • BC Conservatory of Music                                                        
  • Royal Schools of Music 
  • ​Athletes - Team BC Provincial, or National Team Member, and Special Olympics
  • ​Coaches  -  Level One Theory, First Aid, minimum of 75 hours coaching
  • Athletics Officials - Theory, practical and minimum of 50 hours officiating
  • Cadets:  Air Level 4, Army Gold Star, Sea Phase IV
  • Guides:  Canada Cord
  • Scouts:  Chief Scout's Award
  • Lifesaving:  Bronze Cross/National Lifeguard Service
  • ICBC Driver Education Course
  • 4-H Program of Project Certification
  • Duke of Edinburgh's Award​
  • Fitness Leader:  BCRPA
  • Red Cross First Aid
  • Boating:  Power Squadron
  • Pilot License
  • Coast Mountain Discover

External Lan​​guage Credits

If a student has completed Grade 7, Grade 8 and/or Grade 9 education in a language other than English, they can receive External Language Credit.  (Grade 8 and 9 can be used for University Entrance.)



Language course challenge (Grades 11 and 12 levels only) allows students an opportunity to receive credit without taking a course, provided the learning outcomes have been successfully demonstrated and assessed.  The process of challenge is rigorous, intended for students who have exceptional ability in a specific area of study or for those who have had exceptional opportunities for learning.  Students may challenge a course only once and may not challenge to receive a higher mark in a course previously taken.  The following languages are offered for the Language Challenge Exam: International Languages 11 and 12: French, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Punjabi, Spanish.


The process has two parts: application and assessment

1) Application must be made by October; assessment takes place in January at Delta Secondary School in Ladner, BC.

2) Application forms and more information is available from Student Services (in October).

Please see your counsellor in early October if interested.




École Argyle Secondary

1131 Frederick Rd, North Vancouver, BC, V7K 1J3 | 604.903.3300 604.903.3301 | argyle@sd44.ca